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1072-Mali-Mali - Guinea Emerging Infectious Disease & Malaria Training Grant Support

Location: Bamako, Mali

Location type: Urban

Placement type: Global Health Practice Placement

Topic/Theme: Infectious/Communicable Diseases, Implementation Research

Minimum length of service: 8 weeks

Preferred service dates: July 01, 2025 - August 31, 2025 (dates flexible)

Language requirement: French (intermediate level at minimum)

Project Description

The overall program is two overlapping NIH D43 Training Grants that support faculty in Malian and Guinean Universities to develop research and academic programs in Emerging Infectious Diseases, Malaria, and Neglected Tropical Diseases. This program provides both short and long-term training opportunities for faculty and students in Mali and Guinea, as well as provides opportunities to travel to JHU to develop research protocols and new coursework for local universities.

Scope of Work

Students will support local faculty and students in various grant activities, including the planning and execution of short courses on grant-relevant topics, finalization and editing of manuscripts for publication and grant proposals, and ongoing activities related to the MPH and PhD public health programs at the Mali and Guinea-based public health programs.

The professional environment is...

Similar to any university. The hierarchy within the University may be stronger than a US-based student is used to. However, generally, the professional environment operates in much the same ways as any university.

This placement would be a good fit for someone who...

Is interested in how public health education programs are run in a low-income country, as well as how infectious disease research is done through low-income country universities. Additionally, this would be a good fit for someone who is interested in direct collaboration with local researchers and students, and who has a strong interest in capacity building at the local level.

Required Skills

Proficient in French (intermediate level at minimum); Strong writing skills

Site PI/Mentor Info

Name: Peter Winch, 

I would describe my communication and mentorship styles as... 

Open and flexible. Supportive of student as part of the GHEFP program, as well as in larger academic and career goals.

A complementary student would have a working style and mentorship expectations that are..

Independent and eager to learn, with support from faculty as necessary. Student should be a self-starter who is flexible and willing to adjust as on the ground plans changed. Student can expect ample support from faculty.

Costs of Living and Support

Estimated costs:

Housing: $980/month (includes breakfast)
Food: $150/month
Local Transport: No local transport needed for work. Personal transport $25/month
Internet / Phone: $20/month; wifi provided at lodging 
Total: $1,175/month

Additional support from PI:

The project may be able to support covering the cost of flights for the student. There may also be an option to hire for an hourly position, though this likely could not cover all 8 weeks of full-time work.