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Paul S. Lietman Global Travel Grant for Residents and Fellows

Key facts about the Lietman Fellowship

Application status: CLOSED

Who can apply? Johns Hopkins medical residents and fellows

How much are grants? Up to $3,500

What do grants cover? Approved international rotations in low- and middle-income countries 

Applications open: 2025 Cycle To Be Announced

Application deadline: 2025 Cycle To Be Announced


Lietman travel grants are available to Johns Hopkins-affiliated medical residents and fellows to facilitate rotations overseas in low- and middle-income countries. We encourage applications from trainees who have independently identified a training elective overseas.

Dr. Lietman was a longtime chief of the Division of Clinical Pharmacology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and specialist in bacterial and viral infections. 

Residents and fellows selected for a grant must also be approved by their residency director and the associate dean for graduate medical education. Awards provide up to $3,500 to support travel- and other placement-related costs.

Eligibility overview

Who is eligible? 

Grants are made to residents and fellows (MD and OD) in a GME program sponsored by the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine or the Bloomberg School of Public Health. Applicants must have an MD or DO to apply and be currently enrolled in a program that is predominantly clinically focused, i.e., not solely research. 

Only travel to low and middle-income countries is eligible. If you are unsure if your country qualifies or have questions about your program's eligibility, contact the Program Coordinator.


  • Residents and Fellows who will be completing their training prior to their travel are not eligible to apply. 
  • Previous recipients of CGH travel grants cannot apply for this award unless their previous award occurred while they were in another training program, e.g., medical school. 
  • Funds must be used within one year of the anticipated award date. 
  • Applicants may not submit applications for travel already underway at the time of application or travel already completed.

How to apply

  1. Use this form to obtain one recommendation from your mentor or another faculty member at Johns Hopkins and email the recommendation directly to
  2. Combine the following four documents, in order, into a single PDF named “Lastname_Firstname_LietmanFall2024.pdf” and upload the entire .PDF here
  • Lietman Application Form
  • Signed letter of Support from site collaborator: Request a short support letter from your proposed site collaborator indicating their capacity/interest in hosting an international trainee. The letter should be on letterhead and signed by your collaborator.
  • RER and associated attachments: Complete and save the “Request for Elective Rotation” form as a PDF with all the required attachments. Have your residency director sign the RER form and submit to
  • GHPP required approvals (if applicable): GHPP applicants are also required to submit a letter of support/approval from the Osler Medical Residency Director.

Notices to applicants

  • The process for the travel grants is competitive, so residents and fellows are not guaranteed an award. 
  • Applicants are advised that, depending upon the placement, the award from the Center for Global Health may not cover the entire cost of their travel and subsistence, and the awardee will be required to use their own resources to meet their costs. 
  • International students: Please be advised that the award may be taxable, and a portion of the award could be withheld upon disbursement. 

Checklist for awardees

Residents and fellows selected for placements are required to:

  • Carry health insurance for the period of their time overseas.
  • Obtain country specific travel information and register with HX Global using the Johns Hopkins portal
  • Complete either of two mandatory pre-departure travel courses:
    • Complete the online course International Travel Preparation, Safety and Wellness (220.600.81) through the Department of International Health at the Bloomberg School, or
    • Complete the certificate option in the online Coursera travel preparation module before departure. Trainees may need to pay for the certificate, and the honors country profile must be completed to receive credit.
  • Visit the Johns Hopkins Travel Medicine Clinic and obtain all appropriate vaccinations and health information before departure to the field. House staff will be expected to adhere to all preventive regimens recommended by the travel clinic or personal physician.
  • Complete the following reporting requirements within one month after returning: 
    • Submit a 1-page personal reflection narrative on your experience
    • Submit five high-resolution photographs and captions pertinent to the rotation, and agree to allow the Center for Global Health the rights to publish said photographs along with appropriate photo credit attribution 
    • Complete a survey about the experience 
    • If possible, present their experience at the next Global Health Day following the completion of their rotation. Global Health Day is usually held in late March/early April of each year.


Reach out to the program coordinator via email.